Welcome to the world of travel through my eyes! I’m so very happy to meet you. When people meet me, I like to address the elephant in the room, my physical challenge. My physical challenge is quite obvious, it’s not hidden in my head, or the trunk of my body, or any other place under my skin. My disability is loud and clear, I have arthrogryposis or as many people call it AMC for short. It’s pretty simple! I was born with this condition due to lack of movement during my mother’s pregnancy, we think it was due to a stroke on her part, but that can only be theorized. My AMC affects my arms, primarily, but I do struggle now that I’m getting older with the AMC in my knees. Doctors were not sure of the trajectory of my future, whether I would be able to drive a car, hold a pencil, have a family of my own. Little did they know that I am one of the most determined individuals that will ever walk this Earth. I did hold that pencil and made it through Elementary School, Junior high School, and finally high School. This girl did not stop there, on the other hand! I ended up going to college and received two degrees and have been working as a teacher for close to 30 years now. I met the most amazing man at the tail end of my college years whom I married and have celebrated over 30 years of marriage together. Together, we are and inter-abled, power couple! We have two very successful children who are now adults and our hearts have grown even more as we look into the eyes of our four precious grandchildren.
Yes! I look back at my life and I’m quite proud of my achievements. It’s not always easy. I literally wake up every day and put on my superhero cape and mindset as the smallest tasks of an able-bodied human can be lengthy and frustrating for me. I have a very strong can-do attitude but I’m also not afraid to ask for help when needed. This has been the key to my success!
Although I have been successful in my career and family, I wanted even more! I have always been curious about history along with art, architecture, and fairy tale lands. The first time I ever rode in an airplane was when I was 14 years old. I remember wanting the window seat and stared out that window the entire time. I was in awe over the many lands that left Minnesota behind. My husband and I would take the children on a few trips early in our marriage to visit family in New York and Hawaii, but when our children finished College, I put a bug in my husband’s ear. I wanted to go International! And I did! Here are my ups and downs, what works and doesn’t work for a physically challenged person in a foreign country or even here in the United states. Here are my tips so you too can enjoy what this bad- ass world has to offer. Enjoy!